
The Brick Photographer

One of the most captivating things about photography is the endless possibility that results from the various elements in play. Perhaps that is what makes toy photography in particular so enjoyable – the process of bringing a multi-dimensional scenario to life. Changing even one element ever so slightly can draw the viewer’s eye into the photo in an entirely different way and the minute detail of toy photography is one of the most challenging and exciting aspects for me, both as a design artist and photographer.

Initially, I chose the name “the brick photographer” because it celebrated the first type of toy figures I wanted to shoot. As my love for the art of photography has developed, so has a greater appreciation for the various elements of design, lighting, form and function that all serve as building blocks (or bricks, in this case) of an image that tells a story beyond the moment. Therefore, this nickname has become as much a celebration of the artistic process as the subjects that first inspired me to get behind the lens and discover the world of digital imaging.